Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lazy Sunday Meet Nostalgia

Time is unforgiving. It goes by, never slows, never waits for anyone or anything. Time forces us to pick up and move, to adapt and change so we evolve along with it. Life is an inevitable process better to be embraced than fought. Sometimes, it's amazing just to reflect and appreciate. 

I don't know where I'm going or what's going to happen in the future. We can only guess about what's in front of us, but we can always look back on where we've been. I remember when my biggest dream was to leave home, literally escape the island. I always knew there was so much more out there just waiting to be found and somehow, I've gotten lost in it all. Lost in the very best sense of the word. Amazed. Consumed. And I'm loving every second of living. 

Oh, lazy Sundays. Hello, Nostalgia.



 There are few things I hate more than riding airplanes. The near-suffocating feeling of being confined for an extended period of time, the odd smells that linger, every time the stranger next to me shifts and their arm grazes mine. The hours to kill. The finality of leaving. And the people I'm leaving behind.


Portland, OR 

View from my freshman year dorm. Prime real estate. 

Sasquatch 2011 >> George, WA

The mecca of the hipsters.
Wonder Woman. Unashamed to dance on her own.

The Head and the Heart
"Rivers and roads, rivers and roads, rivers 'til I reach you..."


Sedona, AZ // Grand Canyon - Summer 2011

"Modonna and Child."

One of the best things about Sedona, other than catching some sun by a little creek with a good book, was all the surrounding rock formations that serve as a playground for the imagination. It's always so interesting how we automatically assign meaning and interpretations to things. When I first saw the "Modonna and Child" I honestly thought "singing dinosaur hand puppet."

Easy. "Man with Large Nose" ... right?


Northern California 

San Francisco, CA 
>> City of Cool Bridges, Buildings and Street Art

How cool are these windows?

The clouds over SF move by so quickly. I'm sure there's a metaphor for life in there somewhere...

I might not know what my exact future looks like, but if it resembles my past in the slightest, it can't be all that horrible. If being lost in what the world has to offer can be this beautiful, why would anyone want to be found?

Thoughts? Tweet me.

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